Monday, November 25, 2019

"Hallowthanksmas Lane"

Why is Thanksgiving so late this year?  

Little did you know it is downright historic!  Thanksgiving has been celebrated on the last Thursday of the month since the time of Abraham Lincoln.  However in 1939, the calendar had been unusual, as the month started on a Wednesday, so there were five Thursdays as opposed to four.  To restore some order, Roosevelt moved the national holiday to the fourth Thursday of the month (a change that many were unhappy with).  Instead of focusing on the negative, Roosevelt attempted to justify his decision with a pro-shopping response.  Merchants would now have a holiday further from Christmas to allow for more shopping.  In a way, this gave life to the consumer craze known as Black Friday nearly 80 years ago.  So the bottom line is that Roosevelt decided to shake up the tradition a bit in the name of capitalism.

As people pause on Thursday and reflect on the things they are thankful for, families and friends will gather together to eat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, noodles (some will not have noodles, but this is my absolute favorite), pie and share memories.  But will they?  Or will they be focusing on the fact that there are only 27 days left until Christmas?  Will they jump into the other lane after lunch and browse the Black Friday flyers to see what time the doors open to the best deals of the Season?

We have become the age of "Hallowthanksmas."  We have lumped Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas into the most wonderful time of the year . . . October, November and December!  It is a great excuse to eat, drink and be merry for three months straight.

Well, I don't know about you, but it is tough to stay in the right lane.  It has become the time of great American commercialism and the distinction between these three major holidays is only becoming less clear.  Even though we celebrate each holiday in its respective month, the shelves change in the stores at a blink of an eye.

This leads me to tell you the story about my Thanksgiving.  First and foremost, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and it irritates me when these lanes cross over before I can fully enjoy the day.  I love to cook the food and have my family gathered around a nice table.  My napkins are an important part of the table decor.  My dinner plates are plain but a nice Thanksgiving napkin puts the finishing touches on my table.  Well, to make a long story short, I went to purchase my napkins and what did I find.  I found Halloween napkins on sale and the rest were Christmas.  By the middle of last week, Thanksgiving napkins were a thing of the past.  I need to admit that I found some at Hallmark, but for 18 napkins they wanted $19.99.  What the H? . . . and I needed two packs . . . and I really didn't even like the design!  I would be spending more on the napkins than a 25 pound turkey!

Bottomline is that I settled for plain orange napkins which I purchased in the party section (a change that I am not happy with).  Now I have red cups and orange napkins.  NO!  However, while I was proofing my blog, the thought entered my mind . . . WEGMANS!  I never checked at Wegmans.  I have to make this last ditch effort to find Thanksgiving napkins.

My future idea for holiday napkins is to design a "Hallowthanksmas" napkin.  Order them in bulk online and use the same napkins for three months straight.  It will be fun to design and also a conversation piece.  I could even become a family tradition that generations to come will be sure to continue.

My plan on Thursday is to stay in the Thanksgiving Lane.  Enjoying the day with my family.  I will take a quiet time during the day to be thankful for all my blessings.  However, I'm sure that before day's end I will pick up those flyers and find myself in the Christmas Lane first thing Friday morning!

I would like to wish all of you a safe and happy 2019 Thanksgiving!

The Henry's 2019 Thanksgiving Napkin
Wegmans - On Sale - $1.99 for a 24 Pack

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kelly I totally stay in the November lane until the day after.
    I do enjoy having my fall decorations up for a full month. Then Christmas begins! Happy Thanksgiving to your family.
