Thursday, January 9, 2020

Heart and Destiny

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It was almost a given that the first post of the new year (new decade) was going to be about resolutions.  New Year's resolutions are defined as:

A tradition, that a person resolves to change an undesired trait 
or behavior, to 
accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life.

The first New Year's resolutions made were some 4,000 years ago.  The ancient Babylonians were the first to hold recorded celebrations in honor of the new year; however, the year began in March, not January when their crops were planted.

Maybe I should start 2020 on February 1st and consider January a free trial month.  I just don't want my membership to be cancelled accidentally.

As the new year approached, a quote caught my eye and has consumed my thoughts,

Never before had I looked at the new year in this manner.  Truly it is a blank book that will fill itself in as the days, weeks and months pass. Some of the items in my book I will determine, while others will be determined by fate. 

My belief is that fate controls our lives, it is something simple no more than what is meant to be.  With fate, almost anything can happen because it is your destiny.  Everywhere you go, all the places you see, and the things you do are all in the hands of fate.  Fate is nothing more than your journey through life.  

With all that said, I am going to keep my fire for life in the new year, committed to growing and learning, making active and conscious decisions.  However, I am weary of the common resolutions of lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, read more, save money, get organized, etc.  Year after year, these are all resolutions I have entertained.

Weight loss and more exercise have ended up on the top of my resolutions' list.  Honestly, as I reflect on the last decade, weight loss has been a total stressor for me.  Those left over holiday cookies taste much better in January when you are trying not to eat them.  Exercise falls into the same category.  There is nothing I like better than to take a nice leisurely walk by myself, taking in the fresh air of my surroundings.  While I truly admire those of you who can't go a day without working out, and follow an exercise program that gives you pleasure . . . this is just not me!  Smoking is not applicable to me; however there are days I see the benefits of this habit.  Reading is for pleasure and research.  I'm not in a competition with myself to read more this year than I did last.  Saving money I can do, but again fate usually takes over and it is gone quicker than I saved it; and I work on getting organized daily.  

So, how am I going to handling this new year and decade?  After thinking and thinking (which is scary in of itself), because I have been known to conger up some strange and unusual things, here is my two cents.

My children are grown, both of my parents have passed, I'm retired, and I help to take care of my grandchildren.  My husband, Harry, is a project in of himself and I will continue to give him my daily warranted or unwarranted two cents because it keeps both of us young.  These individuals are the most important things in my life.  However, the person I missed in this scenario, is ME!  

I spend a lot of time worrying about these individuals and their respective families.  Most things I think about I can't control, probably are none of my business, and may never happen.  So for the new year and decade I am going to work on "Self-Care."  

I have never stopped to think about my worth.  As I researched self-care I found that it is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it produces positive feelings and boosts your confidence and self-esteem.  Self-care is necessary to remind yourself and others that you and your needs are important too.  I need to ensure that I stay sharp, motivated and healthy.

So instead of saying I am going to lose weight and exercise more, smart self-care habits include: making healthier food choices, enjoying and laughing with my family and friends, taking time for myself, saying "No," stopping the overthinking and take a break when I need it.  In turn, this should reduce stress and improve my mental and physical health.    

I think it is worth giving self-care a shot.  So I am titling my 2020 book, "The Heart and Destiny of Me!"  I need to strengthen myself so that when fate comes knocking (good or bad) I am the strongest I can be, making good decisions and ensuring my life is happy with no regrets.  I only need to wait another 356 days to start a new book if this one is not a success . . . 2021.

Happy New Year to all of you.  If you feel like sharing, I would love to hear about your 2020 resolutions and/or the title of your New Year's book.

Until February!

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