Friday, April 23, 2021

Common Sense


Nana's Two Cents has been off the grid for a little over a year.  However, this blog has resurfaced to discuss with you "Common Sense."  Common sense means making practical discussions and sound judgements based on the information presented.  So with an open mind and common sense, read this post and before passing judgement, do your own research and share your findings with others (resources are provided at the end of this post).

Are you feeling a bit perplexed and uncertain about the world we are living in today?  Let's discuss some specific topics and use our common sense not to solve these issues, but to figure out why we feel like we are in a quandary.  Also, let me reiterate that this Nana is not a professional in government, medicine, religion, world issues, etc.  Only common sense has been used to provide Nana's Two Cents.

Let's start with COVID-19 vs. the flu.  If you compare the coronavirus with the flu, you will find that the symptoms run hand-in-hand.  Both are a virus that attack the lungs, nose, and throat.  They are both self treatable and usually are resolved in about a week.  Also, both of these viral type infections can be deadly, especially in high risk groups (e.g., older adults, people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.).  Different types of flus and viruses have been around for centuries.  The million dollar question is, "What made the coronavirus different from the others?" 

With all of that said, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been guiding us through this pandemic.  My common sense kicked in when our booming economy was shutdown, which extremely affected our all time low unemployment rate.  We live in an age where medicine and technology are on the cutting edge.  Common sense (my gut feeling) tells me that certain cures/findings have been discovered and not released to the general public (e.g., hydrochlorafin).  

So what did we do, we put our kids in masks!  I am not so concerned about adults wearing masks because we have resorted to masks during flu season before.  Adults know how to sanitize (that is an assumption).  However, kids are an entirely different story.  Kids sneeze into their masks because they are told to keep them on.  Kids remove their masks to eat, but there is still food that remains on their face.  They are kids!  Common sense tells me that the food on their face is now on the inside of the mask.  What do you think happens to that mask?  Bacteria is growing on the inside.  Now you can't wash that mask every night, because "Little Joey or Jill" like the characters on a specific mask.  So all week the bacteria continues to grow.  Do you wash your mask and/or your kid's mask every week?  How dangerous is this compared to COVID-19, which has a 98.9% recovery rate.

Another example is the COVID-19 testing.  The CDC recommended that the testing go through 40 cycles, when seven would be sufficient.  With 40 cycles, 88% of the time a false positive is the result.  The vaccine is another ball of wax completely.  Information is still being researched by Nana before providing her two cents on the vaccine.  Common sense tells me that the vaccine is too new, mistakes are being made, blood clots have been a result, saline has replaced the actual vaccine, death, etc.  And then the best that I have heard, is the proposed "Vaccine Passport" . . . WHAT?

We cancelled church services, no indoor dining, gyms closed their doors, schools were closed, athletes could not play sports, other extra curricular activities were halted.  We stressed our educators to the limit to conduct remote learning.  Kids were in school one day and remote the next.  Initial common sense tells me this was difficult for all parties involved.  People are working from home instead of commuting back and forth to work, adjusting their tasks to accommodate their environment.  Individuals pick up their groceries curbside, and people living by themselves became more secluded from the world.  Mentally this is exhausting, as well as unhealthy.  Instead of using common sense, or realizing what this is doing to our country, the government said . . . this is the new normal . . . NOT ACCEPTABLE! 

Last week, Nana determined that it was time for her to stop sitting on the recliner at night gathering all this information.  Besides television doesn't seem right either (Hollywood, adrenochrome, etc.).  It was time to share! Something happened to this country when Trump was elected president and then again after the election on November 3, 2020.  Common sense is telling me that these events are just the tip of the iceberg.  For those of you who don't want to discuss politics, let's address the Ever Given (Evergreen) being stuck in the Suez Canal for six days.  For the global economy, billions of dollars were lost.  Did you hear what was on that ship?  Where is that ship now?  This is ALL for the CHILDREN!       

Nana has said enough with this post.  It is time for you to use your own common sense instead of complaining that things don't seem right in world.  Have you ever heard the saying, "You can't tell someone the truth, you need to show them."  Is this what is happening?  Nana believes that everything happens for a reason . . . there are no coincidences!  

This is about faith, family, friends, treating each other with respect and dignity and making sure we have the standard of living we want.  We should be fearless about our beliefs and not allow anyone to define who WE ARE!  The only thing about truth is it always comes out.  Common sense tells me . . . Justice is Coming!  This is your ticket to becoming WOKE!  WWG1WGA

Besides, you can't make this shit up!!!!  It's a great time to be alive!


Telegram is freeware, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging software and application service.    

Follow and research what these patriots are communicating to the public:

    General Michael Flynn

    Linn Wood

    Jovan Hutton Pulitizer

    Phil Godlewski

    Ghost Ezra

    Patriot Streetfighter

    Juan O Savin

    Michael Lindell

    Patrick Bryn

Websites to visit:

    Q -

    Michael Flynn Speech a the Freedom Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma 

    Health and Freedom Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma


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